Twitter May Soon Start Selling Username To Increase Company Revenue

Ever since businessman Elon Musk took over the micro-blogging platform Twitter, many changes have been taking place in it continuously. There are many types of news going on on the Internet regarding Twitter. From February 1, many big changes are also going to happen on this platform. Elon Musk himself has said later that from February 1, people will be able to make long tweets on this platform. On the one hand, where continuous changes are taking place in Twitter, on the other hand, there is an economic crisis on Twitter, in fact, the company’s revenue has decreased due to which it is not able to pay the office rent and many employees have to say good-bye. has also been spoken. Meanwhile, news is out that Twitter will sell usernames to increase its revenue. Now bids will be held on Twitter for the username.

According to a report, some employees working in Twitter were talking about the fact that soon Twitter will sell usernames. Although officially no information about this is revealed. But it is being claimed in the report that soon Twitter can do this because it has suffered a lot. An auction will be organized for the sale of usernames in which interested people will participate. The information about what will be the fee for the auction and whether there will be some rules is not yet in front. But it is believed that the company can do this work soon to increase the revenue. It is possible that the company can go ahead with this project because Elon Musk has said in December last year that 1.5 billion accounts from Twitter will be made free. That is, the inactive username will be deleted. In such a situation, it is possible that they should be allotted to others.

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